Lucia Ragazzi
Freelance editor/ journalist Lucia Ragazzi joined the CTD conference in N’Djaména, Tchad (25-28 October 2017), as editor of the liveblog and social media reporter. She completed this project in November 2017, turning the liveblog into an (audiovisual) report of and reflection on the conference. Lucia holds a Master’sRead More
Overview CTD publications
CTD publications (in chronological-alphabetical order): Articles: Both, J. & M. E. de Bruijn (2017), ‘Youth Between State and Rebel (Dis) Orders: Contesting Legitimacy from Below in Sub-Sahara Africa’, Small Wars & Insurgencies 28(4-5): 779-798. Both, J., I. Brinkman & M. E. de Bruijn (2017), ‘TheRead More